Carbonated Water

Aug 7, 2017 13:01
Recently I have come to drink a lot of carbonated water.

Carbonated water, which you might call it sparkling water, is water containing carbon dioxide gas.

The reason why I drink carbonated water is because I want to feel something like coolness.

According to the Internet, there are several advantages and disadvantages about carbonated water.

As the advantages, it can promote blood flow and recover fatigue.

As disadvantages, if you drink it too much, you may feel tired and your body may become swollen.

I'm not sure whether these information is true or false, but indeed I've felt tired recently.






No. 1 Kiwi's correction
I'm partial to Asahi's Wilkinson's myself.
I like Asahi's Wilkinson too :)
It contains strong carbonate gas.
No. 2 Brendan 's correction
  • Recently I have come to drink a lot of carbonated water.
  • Recently I've been drinking have come to drink a lot of carbonated water.
  • Carbonated water, which you might call it sparkling water, is water containing carbon dioxide gas.
  • Carbonated water, which you might also call it sparkling water, is water containing carbon dioxide gas.
  • As the advantages, it can promote blood flow and recover fatigue.
  • As for the advantages, it can promote blood flow and recover fatigue.
  • As disadvantages, if you drink it too much, you may feel tired and your body may become swollen.
  • As for the disadvantages, if you drink it too much, you may feel tired and your body may become swollen.
  • I'm not sure whether these information is true or false, but indeed I've felt tired recently.
  • I'm not sure whether this information is true or false, but indeed I've felt tired recently.
I think just normal water is best. Carbonated water is ok occasionally as a treat in my opinion.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I also think water is best. Carbonated water is just something like a hobby :)
No. 3 David's correction
  • Carbonated Water
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The reason why I drink carbonated water is because I want to feel something like coolness.
  • The reason (why) I drink carbonated water is because I want to [feel refreshed / experience a sensation of coolness] when I drink water.
  • According to the Internet, there are several advantages and disadvantages about carbonated water.
  • According to (what I've read on) the [Internet / internet], there are several advantages and disadvantages to (drinking) carbonated water.
     I think it is written as "Internet" in American English, but as "internet" in British English.
Hello kanotown,

Please let me know if you have any questions about my corrections.

Thank you.
Thank you so much for the corrections, David-san! (^^)
You're welcome, kanotown-san.